Tubi Soluzioni Fzc Quality Policy
It is the policy of Tubi Soluzioni FZC to consistently provide products and services that meet the needs and expectations of our customers through continual improvement of the quality system.
The company has developed and implemented the Quality Management System in order to:
- Ensure that we remain customer focused at all time.
- Ensure that we set quality objectives, measure,analyze and act upon the results in order to achieve continual improvement.
- We believe that our employees are our greatest asset and it is our policy to ensure that everyone is aware of the importance of the customer and the part they play in achieving our objectives.
We strive to continually satisfy our customers by providing quality products & services that meet their requirements and legal requirements at all times. The documented Quality Management System has been developed with the full and active support of the top management and it is communicated to all personals.